Art made with code, randomness, and the blockchain
Launches November 7th, 1pm EST
Scribble Party continues my exploration of recursive scribbling and plottable works, introducing figures drawn in dynamic, flowing forms. Inspired by party games, the project includes a countdown clock which will end minting when it runs out. Each mint keeps the game going by ensuring some minimum remaining time in the game, and also contributes to a prize that the owner of the the last mint can redeem.
Free and open to everyone, the Infinite Scribble is an experiment in mechanics. As long as someone mints within two weeks, it will stay available to those who want to mint in the future! I hope it helps to spread the joy of generative art.
Prior Works
Scribble Together is a collaborative experiment: I created a scribbling algorithm but left the choice of colors to 20 friends and artists who created 31 palettes for the project. Further, collectors were able to switch their palettes and did so for more than half the collection.
The Worm is a social experiment via smart contract - you can only only receive the Worm if the current holder ('Disciple') sends it to you. In collaboration with Ambition, the creators of The Worm, "Us" is a gift to the first 1000 Disciples. Each piece is unique, depicting that Disciple's time with The Worm and builds upon the previous pieces.
We've all been there... drifting off while we should be paying attention, allowing our hand the freedom to scribble away. Designed to be plotted, Scribbled Daydreams is an exploration of the experience of unsupervised doodling. Each piece also includes one random, mundane thought as the only trait.
An exploration of motion, Flow captures the continuous movement that you see as people, bikes, cars, and trains pass by each other, or as clouds move in the sky. Each piece continuously animates while maintaining the same look and never repeating.
Concentric rings oscillate and push against each other with fluid, lifelike motion that can evoke a gradually moving organism or a pulsing effect. These rings occasionally all align for a 'convergence'. Each piece is interactive and uses a generative palette.