Scribble Party
Pre-launch Conversation
Below is the transcript of the November 7, 2024 conversation between Plottables founder Matt Jacobson (numbersinmotion) and minimizer, and a few others, in the Plottables Discord, prior to and during the launch of Scribble Together. Minor edits have been made for clarity.
numbersinmotionHello everyone! Very excited to once again be chatting with minimizer before the release of their new project Scribble Party! Feel free to check out the project page here: numbersinmotion thank you for having me back! Very happy to be here 🙂numbersinmotionHey! Thanks for taking the time for a chat again - this is our third time doing this but for those that might not know your work can you tell us a little bit about your previous projects both on plottables and elsewhere?minimizerOf course. I have a few interests that I keep coming back to, but I think what most people would notice is a scribbling theme. I've been exploring this for a few projects, mostly plottable ones.I also have been exploring various mechanics as part of each project, such as for Infinite Scribble where the project ends if no one mints after 2 weeks, or Scribble Together (my previous one on Plottables) where the palette choice is given to the collector, from one of 20 options from creators that were involved in the project. numbersinmotionAwesome thanks 🙂 okay so you mentioned mechanics. This new project is also unique in that aspect. In that sense, can you talk about what is different/unique about this project?minimizerI wanted to explore more of a party theme. I feel like sentiment has been low recently because of the market being slow, but it's still a great time to experiment. So both the art and the mechanic push on this.The art features figures that are flowing and dancing in various ways, as I try to convey happiness and energy in each piece.And the mechanic is a party game. We start with a countdown clock. The first minter of the game sets it to 24 hours, and each mint after that resets it.When the clock hits zero, the game will end, as will all minting.Each mint also contributes to a prize that the last minter gets, and hence, the game aspect of it.That's the high level, and I can share more about the game too.brepettisVery excited!minimizerThank you 🙂numbersinmotionSounds like a hell of a party hahaOkay before we dive more into mechanics can you talk a bit more about the art? Specifically the figures that you mentioned. Was there any inspiration behind them? And personally I'm just curious to know a bit more about how you coded them up to have different poses.TheYellowDemonInspiration = the dancing balloon guy from car dealerships.minimizerYes 🙂 It's funny, the original idea came from something I had shared with Matto - Shinkai a while back. It was an image of the ubiquitous "bathroom man" figure that we see everywhere, but following flow fields. It has such a different feel when it's not so rigid.I had wanted to explore this more and Scribble Party seemed like a good way to do it.numbersinmotionThats awesome - I'd be curious to see the image if you feel like sharing (no pressure).But let's talk a bit more about mechanics. So the game is extended with each new mint. Is that extension time always the same?minimizer I was just looking for it.. this is from 2022 so I guess this idea has been on my mind for a while.
Regarding the game, there are two "halvenings": Every 50 mints, the contribution of the mint to the prize is cut in half. So while originally 100% (after fees) goes to the prize, after 50 mints, it will be 50%, and after 100 mints it will be 25%, and so on.And then every 200 mints, the reset of the clock is cut in half. So while initially there's a 24 hour reset, after 200 mints, the reset will only be 12 hours (if less than 12 hours is on the clock at that point) and after 400 mints, the reset will be 6 hours.Note that I've pre-minted 25 pieces, mostly to thank the creators of Scribble Together, so the numbers start at 25 (e.g. 25-74 is 100% 75-124 is 50% for the contributions to the prize).numbersinmotionCool - so do you have any idea how this is all going to play out? Like how long do you think the game will last?Or how long would you like to see the game last?minimizerIt's hard to know.. really I hope a lot of people get to participate and have fun with it. It would also be nice to see it run for long enough to have more eyes on it.Because of the mechanic, I'll be feeling some time pressure to keep it going, so I'll be sharing what is minted and hoping more people come to see it.numbersinmotionAwesome! Well we should be going live in about 2 minutes. Anything else you would like to add?minimizerI hope everyone has fun 🙂 Let me get ready to unpause.numbersinmotionAnd we are live!